Công ty Cổ phần Kết cấu Kim loại và Lắp máy Dầu khí (PVC-MS), địa chỉ: số 02 Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh, Phường Thắng Nhất, TP.Vũng tàu, cần tuyển các chức danh sau:
I. Trưởng nhóm thiết kế thi công, Trưởng nhóm thiết kế chi tiết, số lượng: 02 người.
Yêu cầu: Requirements
1. Education level:
2. Qualification:
3. Working experience:
4. English level:
5. Computer skills:
6. Training courses:
- Management System like ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 Organization & EngineeringManagement
- Risk Forecast & Management
7. Others:
-Master requirements of bidding documents relating to assigned tasks.
- Master the scope of structure work in the project’s contract.
II. Kỹ sư thiết kế thi công, số lượng: 01 người.
Yêu cầu: Requirements
1.Education level:
2. Qualification:
· Other technical industries, which have the expertise in material strength and mechanical structure.
3. Working experience:
4. English level:
5. Computer skills:
- Master structural calculation software like SAP2000. . .
6. Training courses:
- Training courses of professional software ISO9001 Management system
- HSE knowledge
7. Others:
- Have the ability of calculating cranes for installing large components.
- Have extensive knowledge of construction materials and using appropriate materials to be most effective. Have the understanding of on-site /inside experiment relating to constructions and material fields.
- Have the deep understanding of standards and laws relating to construction engineering and implementation.
- Have the understanding of regulations and institutions of the Company, the Corporation the PVN Group and the Government.
III. Kỹ sư thiết kế chi tiết kết cấu, số lượng: 01 người.
Yêu cầu: Requirements
1.Education level:
2. Qualification:
3. Working experience:
4. English level:
5. Computer skills:
- Word, Excel, Outlook Express, Internet, Bocad, X-steel (prefer using AutoLISP in Autocad)
6. Training courses:
- ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
- Safety regulations.
7. Other requirements:
- Seize the material standard, engineering requirements and requirements in project and scope of work.
IV. Kỹ sư thiết kế công trình ống, số lượng: 01 người.
Yêu cầu: Requirements
1. Education level:
2. Qualification:
- The piping engineer must be able to work long hours as this may be a requirement of a particular project.
- Piping engineer must have good technical sound in all Piping design Engineering requirements, familiar with major equipment in refineries and offshoreplatforms.
- Has knowledge of piping material, pipinglayout.
- Pipingengineersmustalsohaveexcellentcommunicationand teamworkskillsastheyoftenfindthemselvesworkingclosely with other engineers and technical staff. (in English) - Applicationknowledgeofclient’ssystemsandprograms
- Ability to accurately apply codes andregulations
- Familiar with the Corporate, National Code and international standards related to Piping engineering and Oil & Gas Engineering.
3. Working Experience:
4. English level:
5. Computer skills:
6. Training courses:
- Bidding skill
- ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
- Engineering organization andmanagement
7. Others: